Here's part of why syncing (Contacts, Calendar and Reminders etc.) is so unbelievably slow and CPU-intensive. (Suggestion/idea)

Here's part of why syncing (Contacts, Calendar and Reminders etc.) is so unbelievably slow and CPU-intensive. (Suggestion/ idea)
AppleOSes are storing and communicating and comparing HEX values as STRINGS:
They should be doing all that with the raw values.
That would use half the space. 4 bits per hex digit instead of over 8.
(0xF is 1111 in binary, of course)

Proof of the error:

Just on one MacOS system, the Contacts and Calendar syncing agents have used many hours of CPU time since last reboot - so surely that's got to add up to an average of over a year of CPU Time over the life of each of Apple's over a billion active devices.

And there's the environmental impact:
If Apple switched to binary representations on all their current devices, I wonder how many tons of CO2 credit that would generate, per Apple's own accounting!? And impressive wins to announce at a future Apple Event!

Those wasted resources could be not used, or used for error detection and correction to reduce data corruption. (Can't believe Apple failed to adopt ZFS and if I'm not mistaken, doesn't use ECC RAM (Error Checking and Correcting Random Access Memory) in any of its current hardware products, but that's a bit of a tangent.)