App Clip banner not showing. Neither is it opening by scanning the QR Code

I have an app that is published. It has App Clips. I have set up the default app clip experience. I also have setup meta tag for the webpage that I need app clip for. My problem is that I am not able to see the App Clip banner. Instead it falls back on the smart app banner for the full app. The fact that I can see the full app smart app banner shows that meta tag is injected properly and read, problem is its falling back on the app-id and not using the app-clip-bundle-id part.

On creating a QR code of the url, I get "cpserrordomain error 2" when the app clip card opens. Can someone help here.
Can you please post the URLs you are using for App Clips Safari Banner and QR code
I thought "cpserrordomain error 2" (which I've seen several times recently) was only for NFC tags, not QR codes.

And just to check - the meta tag on the web page contains app-clip-bundle-id=appClipBundleID and the app clip bundle ID is not an app ID and typically starts with "com."
any solutions for this problem?
we have the same thing happening on NFC universal link.

aasa validator that everything is fine with our apple-app-site-association file
App Clip banner not showing. Neither is it opening by scanning the QR Code