Battery drain in ios 14.2

i updated my iphone 7+ to ios 14.2 and now i have battery drain problem and it takes long time to be charged and warmup during charging
I have same issue with my XR when update to iOS 14.2
I am having the same issue with my 7+. I updated to iOS 14.2 and both nights since, I lose around 35% while I am asleep and it's not being used.
I too, have a 7 plus and my daughter has 6s and we both noticed the drain. DIDNT THEY GET SUED ALREADY FOR THIS CRAP!? they are as@-$$&&*#*! For this
Same issue with the iso 14.2 on a 6s. If I am actively using Safari, mail, Facebook etc app open, then I can watch the battery drain by each percent.

Within 2 mins, I have seen about 10-15% battery drop, while using the app. If it just the Home Screen a can still watch the battery percentage drop but not as significantly.

Placing my phone facedown and not using it, I will still see a noticeable drop in battery life after a few hours.

I have the background refresher off and only allow mail to update when I open the app along with other battery saving settings set up.
I too have iphone 7 plus with iOS 14.2 and it draining very very fast! Apple need to fix this problems man.
My iPhone 11 has also been draining quickly after the update. And my phone is like a month old
Same issue with my iPhone 7... it was all working fine till I updated to ios 14.2 .. now my battery drains very quickly. Is Apple back to its old trick to upgrade again??? They make it so difficult to downgrade the version so we are stuck with this till it is fixed :(
Same here with my 6s. I’ve updated to iOS 14.2 two days ago. After that the battery drops so quickly and when it has around 40-50 %, it suddenly drops to 20% and gone very soon! It never happened before and I had a 100% of maximum capacity on my battery as I recently replaced it. Apple! You should do something!!!
My 6S is doing the same thing. Upgraded to iOS 14.2 a few days ago and now, my battery drains 3 or more times faster than normal.
I have 6s, I experience the same. After 1 hour of use, the battery drains completely. I had a video chat for 5 minutes and battery dropped about 40% during the call.
same Issue happen in my I phone phone only three months old.after iOS 14.2 update suddenly draining charge very fast and long time need to full become very hot after few minutes use.
I am having a same battery drain issue but in a very different way.. i have been using ios 14.2 on my iphone 7 as well on my iphone SE first Gen. the Battery Drain on iphone SE is very drastic and every 30 Seconds i loose one percent of the battery ...

That means if my battery is 100% and i start using the phone or for that matter its kept upside down on the table for every 30-40 seconds i loose one percent on a average.. and at one point it comes to 1% and stays there.. and then i have been using it for 9 hours... that is some thing that started to happen when i went in for the ios 14.2 upgrade from ios 14.1

and when i start charging the same mechanism happens after every 30 % seconds 1 percent + is battery charged..

that is a real weird update from apple this time.. I have done the Clean wipe. Factory reset all Fresh install. Completely drained the battery to calibrate it but nothing worked.. Most surprising part is my battery health is 85% and that is OK to last it atleast 6-8 hours on single charge and that it was doing it before i did the upgrade to ios 14.2

apple pls fix this....
breaking the devices this way is not good.. :(

Similar story updated IPhone 7 to IOS14.2. Battery indicator rapidly drops to 20% in a couple of hours. By 3 hours it says 1%. I didn’t have a charging cable with me but phone worked fine; Mail, browsing on Safari and WhatsApp for another 12 hours while still saying 1%. Low battery warning comes up suggesting I go into low power mode. I avoid and it seems to keep going. Notifications now accounts for 17% of my battery usage!
iPhone X here. Same issue since upgraded to 14.2. SEVERE battery drain just texting a few ppl. Taking a 10 second video etc. if I play a 2 minute words with friends my battery drains by 10-15%. Charging it takes over night (7) hours of starting in the 20% range. I now bring a portable charger with me everywhere just to be sure I’ll make it through a few hours away from home. I don’t have background refresher on apps or mail. The only thing I do is answer calls or texts and I’ll be between 40-50% after 2-3 hours. Most of the time it’s in my pocket. Gets HOT when charging
I should have checked first. Today I installed 14.2 on a SE 2020 and was shocked by how fast the battery drained. It was 80% or so and sat unused for a few hours and was down to 20%. Then after 15 min of reading news, it was down to 4%. This is exactly why I waited a long time to move from 13.x - but I did not wait long enough, it seems.
Installed 14.2 a couple days ago and noticed this issue immediately. Last night I went to sleep with 100% and woke up with 51%. I've already uninstalled all widgets and turned off background app refresh and did a hard reset. It's hard to believe this fault isn't engineered into the update, if it doesn't get fixed this will be my last apple product after decades of loyalty.
Same issue with iPad mini after update. I’ll be reading emails with nothing running in the background battery at 60% and it powers off, when I connect to power it shows the battery in red. Once it restarts I’m still at 60% all this started after update to 14.2
My 7+ is also having the same issue, but it is even weirder. If I restart my phone it jumps back up to 98% when it was down at 50% after a half hour use. I think it’s more of bug with the iOS versus the device.
Same here on my iPhone 8. My battery has these stages now where it stays on the same battery% for a long while and then within 3 minutes it drops like 4-5% very quickly.
Same issue here on iPhone 6S. Battery drained nearly 80% on a half hour call yesterday.
This is very concerning. Apple seems to literally killing our batteries prematurely. Apple support (as usual) denies there's any issue and just provides the usual canned responses to adjust your SETTINGS.

Will Apple be offering free battery replacements for everyone? My battery [health] was perfect (100%) before the update and now it's 97%.
Same issue with my 6s+ after updating to 14.2.
This is very annoying. My phone battery was perfectly fine before update. Now it goes to 1% from 70% in matter of minutes. Some times it is even black out and I have to reboot my phone.
After update, overnight battery gets drained even I have full charge. This never happened before. Apple please fix the issue.
Since I installed IOS 14.2 on my 7 +, XS MAX and 6S have same issue, update is killing the battery very quickly!!!!!!
Wish I could post picture here - constant linear battery drain with zero activity recorded.

I have iPhone 8+, iPad pro 2015, and iPad Pro 2018. ONLY HAPPENS ON iPad PRO 2018. The biggest difference I see in settings is the 2018 has “Privacy Warning” on WiFi (the other two do not). iPhone & 2018 have iMessage, 2015 does not.
I strongly suspect the “Privacy Warning” on WiFi is causing wifi to constantly search/change networks. When I had two networks saved it would always do this visibly when I disabled/enabled WiFi. Also it takes FOREVER to connect to WiFi now that this “feature” has been added.
Same issue on iPhone 6S after 14.2 update. Rapid battery drain from 50-80% down to 1%. Please fix issue Apple!
Battery drain in ios 14.2