IDFA Questions Missing on Appstore Connect

On my last submission, the questions/checkboxes about IDFA were missing. Did something change with regards to this? I did not submit for review because I've never seen this before.
This just happened to me too!
I don't know if it has something to do with IDFA changes they made. I've been searching about this but no information on web page changes.

I first sumitted for review without checking any IDFA releated options (because they disappeared for me as well). One day later it passed a review.
When I came back checking at bottom of web page I found the IDFA options appeared but with both choices non-selected. So I cancelled the release and checked those boxes like I used to and resubmitted the IPA. (it was the same IPA)
Then they I got rejected. Apple said the UIRquiredDeviceCapabilities is wrong.
I asked them about the reason and explain this situation in resolution center but they didn't answer me yet.

I went back to that web page before submit the review, the IDFA options were gone again.
I noticed the same. Did you guys submit? and if you did, does the new release get the identifier in production?
Hey @said7swisi I got a reply from Apple team today. (From resolution center)
They only said thank you for information and they will continue reviewing. My app status is now pending developer release.
I said before they replied that I know about IDFA changes but I can't find change log about IDFA setting removing on web page and I thought I might be a bug.

It's still not clarify to me if the setting will be gone forever. They didn't answer that it was a bug.
But now the IDFA setting is completely gone both in 'pending developer release' and 'ready to submit' status.

I didn't hit the release button yet so I don't know if IDFA is gonna work. (It's working in TestFlight though)
Same here! That section is gone from all of my apps!
There is a new Privacy section you should see now
I asked support about this - the option has been removed from store submission as eventually ("early 2021") this will be a per-user option, there won't be blanked access to IDFA.

Hello! can i reply?
I also noticed this...Anyone of you released the app to production?
Resolved - As someone on this thread noted, there is now an App Privacy link on the left-hand side. When you go into that screen you will see a "Get Started" button that takes you to the new set of questions. However, note that the "Get Started" button will not show up unless you have Admin privileges.
I'm also getting same problem. For my project requirement i need to enable IDFA options. How can i enable IDFA option. any one can help please.
Advance thank you.
IDFA Questions Missing on Appstore Connect