Why pubg mobile is too laggy in iphone 12 pro

I have iphone 12 pro, i used to have iphone x and played pubg about three years and no lag no problem at all but in advanced iphone 12 pro 128 gb pubg is too laggy cant see performance at all!

please do needful!
iPhone 12 lineup suffers an excessive (and too aggressive) thermal throttling.
This is a problem.
Same problem here with iPhone 12. 
The same games that I used in iPhone 11 had no problems there, but on the new 12 I see a lot of slowdowns. 

I took mine to a local non-official iphone repair and they applied thermal paste over the main CPU and the laggy performance issues seem to have reduced a lot, at least pubg and other games are not too laggy as before, but you will loose your warranty. I dont think official apple stores will apply thermal paste for you.

Why pubg mobile is too laggy in iphone 12 pro