Hello people,
for start sorry for my bad english, I'm french
Someone can help for this :
This code doesn't work and I really need help
It's somme = somme + not.note which don't work.
Thanks for your help :)
for start sorry for my bad english, I'm french
Someone can help for this :
Code Block struct requestFetch: View { @State private var somme: Double = 0 @Environment(\.managedObjectContext) var managedObjectContext @FetchRequest( entity: Notes.entity(), sortDescriptors: [NSSortDescriptor(keyPath: \Notes.matiere, ascending: true)], predicate: NSPredicate(format: "matiere == %@", "Mathématique") ) var note: FetchedResults<Notes> var body: some View { List(note) { not in somme = somme + not.note Text("\(not.matiere!)") } Text("ok \(note.count)") } }
This code doesn't work and I really need help
It's somme = somme + not.note which don't work.
Thanks for your help :)