App Group file not available in Widget Extension after successful save and widget timeline reload from app target

I have an app that uses an App Group to share data (images) between my main app target and my widget extension. I could load my widget image reliably prior to iOS 14.1 but things seem to not be working lately.

The following is my helper to get a reference to the container in both my app and widget target, my static string matches the group in both entitlement files:
Code Block
let directory = FileManager.default.containerURL(forSecurityApplicationGroupIdentifier: .widgetGroupIdentifier)!

Has anyone else had issues lately using AppGroups and widgets to share data from app to widget?

My procedure is as such:
  1. Generate Image

  2. Save to container directory

  3. Reload widget timeline

  4. Separately in Widget Extension with debugger attached, wait for getTimeline to fire

  5. Read contents of directory, the file is not listed there!

App Group file not available in Widget Extension after successful save and widget timeline reload from app target