Is Big Sur 11.0 and 10.16?
https ://eclecticlight .co/2020/07/21/big-sur-is-both-10-16-and-11-0-its-official/
or this more rectnt:
https ://www.reddit .com/r/MacOSBeta/comments/hn0k3f/whatisitnow1016or11/
Apple says: The system ProductVersion is reported as 11.0 only on the Developer Transition Kit at this time. Existing Mac systems will temporarily report the value as 10.16.
I am wondering if it can be considered valid to recognize Big Sur as 10.16 in any systems running Big Sur (I mean when it is released).
I see this as a shortcoming of Apple engineering, trying to patch the OS in order to let buggy old software that assumed MacOS will remain X (10) forever continue running. This is more MS-Windows than MacOS, and I wish versions were the only aspect of this.
What I'm concerned with, however, is the opposite - out software is deployed on both older and newer systems, and needs to report to server the MacOS version it runs on - and we're having Big Sur appear sometimes as 10.16 sometimes 11.0 --- calling the same API!
No, we can't align all our build-tools to MacOS SDK 11 - since on older systems we use APIs that are now deprecated on new OS versions, so we maintain older build machines for deployment on older Macs.
What I seek - is a way to CONSISTENTLY get 11.x from MacOS Big-Sur, for ALL our versions running on ALL Macs and MacOSs
With all that wonderful and so-elaborate Info.plist thing - why can't we have 10.16 .x for SDK version and 11.x for "Marketing version string" ???