Hey, I'm trying to get the very default "Augmented Reality App" to show the camera image as fullscreen.
When I create a new project and choose "Augmented Reality App" the camera picture is like 80% of the screen height (iPhone 11, I guess it scales to fit the screen width). I tried different frame settings and .frame modifiers but I find no solution. I don't understand how to scale ARView, the docs don't make me smarter either.
Is this a UIViewRepresentable problem? I want to learn SwiftUI and I would love to understand why for example .frame(maxHeight: .infinity) or .scaleEffect(1.5) has no effect here.
When I create a new project and choose "Augmented Reality App" the camera picture is like 80% of the screen height (iPhone 11, I guess it scales to fit the screen width). I tried different frame settings and .frame modifiers but I find no solution. I don't understand how to scale ARView, the docs don't make me smarter either.
Is this a UIViewRepresentable problem? I want to learn SwiftUI and I would love to understand why for example .frame(maxHeight: .infinity) or .scaleEffect(1.5) has no effect here.
Code Block swift struct ContentView : View { var body: some View { ARViewContainer() .edgesIgnoringSafeArea(.all) } } struct ARViewContainer: UIViewRepresentable { func makeUIView(context: Context) -> ARView { return ARView(frame: .zero) } func updateUIView(_ uiView: ARView, context: Context) {} }