How to make ARView fullscreen?

Hey, I'm trying to get the very default "Augmented Reality App" to show the camera image as fullscreen.

When I create a new project and choose "Augmented Reality App" the camera picture is like 80% of the screen height (iPhone 11, I guess it scales to fit the screen width). I tried different frame settings and .frame modifiers but I find no solution. I don't understand how to scale ARView, the docs don't make me smarter either.

Is this a UIViewRepresentable problem? I want to learn SwiftUI and I would love to understand why for example .frame(maxHeight: .infinity) or .scaleEffect(1.5) has no effect here.

Code Block swift
struct ContentView : View {
var body: some View {
struct ARViewContainer: UIViewRepresentable {
func makeUIView(context: Context) -> ARView {
return ARView(frame: .zero)
func updateUIView(_ uiView: ARView, context: Context) {}

Unfortunately it appears that the Augmented Reality Template is slightly broken and is still currently an issue as of Xcode version 12.4.

The issue with the template is that it is missing a LaunchScreen.storyboard file and this causes the app to launch into a compatibility mode which results in the letterbox view you are seeing.

Hopefully this will be resolved in a future release of Xcode but in the mean time there are a couple of options to resolve this:
Option 1: Create a LaunchScreen.storyboard file and ensure the "Launch Screen Image" is set to the LaunchScreen.storyboard in General -> App Icons and Launch Images.

Option 2: Create a new project using the default "App" template and then just copy your code across.
For anyone wondering why is your ARView only in the middle, go to your project/General -> Deployment Info -> Requires full screen must be checked. At least it works for me :)
How to make ARView fullscreen?