SKOverlay never appear if the App Clips is installed from TestFlight

Hello everyone,

I am building an App Clips for my current app. On the last step of the purchasing process, I show "Thank you for purchasing the tickets!" and the SKOverlay of the main app at the bottom of the screen.

The problem is if I install App Clips from TestFlight, the SKOverlay is never appear but it works very well if I built the App Clips directly from Xcode.

Code Block
.onAppear {
        self.showRecommended = true
      .appStoreOverlay(isPresented: $showRecommended) {
        let config = SKOverlay.AppConfiguration(appIdentifier: "1225258864", position: .bottom)
        return config

I checked the App Clips and SKOverlay document but can't find the root cause.

I really appreciate your help.
Thank you.

Answered by manhnguyen in 640277022
Awesome! Thank you so much @liazkam for your help. It works very well now!

You should be using a different function for App Clip SKOverlay.
SKOverlay.AppClipConfiguration(position: .bottom)
Here is a sample

Code Block
guard let scene = UIApplication.shared.connectedScenes.first as? UIWindowScene else { return }
let config = SKOverlay.AppClipConfiguration(position: .bottom)
let overlay = SKOverlay(configuration: config)
overlay.delegate = self
overlay.present(in: scene)

Accepted Answer
Awesome! Thank you so much @liazkam for your help. It works very well now!
SKOverlay never appear if the App Clips is installed from TestFlight