UITabBarItem accessibilityIdentifier not working on iOS 11 and iOS 12 but works on iOS 13

I am trying to access UITabBarItem using accessibilityIdentifier in UITestCases but its not working in iOS 11 and iOS 12. On iOS 13 it's working. I have checked this with Appium and Accessibility Inspector. In both its not showing accessibilityIdentifier applied for UITabBarItem.

tabBarItem1.accessibilityIdentifier = "tabBarItem1"

I have tried calling this in viewDidLoad, viewWillAppear, viewDidAppear. but same results for me.

has anyone faced this issue ?

I have this same issue. Have you found a solution to make an identifier working for all iOS versions?

Same issue here. news?

UITabBarItem accessibilityIdentifier not working on iOS 11 and iOS 12 but works on iOS 13