Is only available for Xcode 13.2
Module compiled with Swift 5.5.2 cannot be imported by the Swift 5.6 compiler:
Your Swift Playgrounds app project must be built with and run on Swift Playgrounds 4.0.2 on iPadOS 15.4 or Xcode 13.3 on macOS 12.3.
When will Apple release the updated versions?
hello everyone,setting returnKeyType = .next to a textField I remember that the key on the keyboard turned color to blue,now it no longer works.Is there any known bug? Any suggestions?thanks
Hi,CGEvent requires access to accessibility and apple rejects the app.How can I solve it?Thanks
Hi, I have published an app on the mac app store (for a fee). I subsequently did this test on two of my macs (with totally different accounts)- Mac 1 -> App bought regularly.- Mac 2 -> Application received from Mac 1, via airdrop ( and fully functional (indeed it is even purchased, and the "open" button appears instead of the price.How is it possible? is there no control from Apple like it does on the iPhone?Is it possible to avoid this thing?Thank you.