ITMS-90842: Invalid SDK usage

ITMS-90842: Invalid SDK usage - App clip '' uses the SDK selector 'requestAlwaysAuthorization', which is not supported. Ensure your app clip is using supported SDK features.

What version Xcode and which iOS version are you working with?

When do you see this error...what you were doing, what you expected, how those differed...
Hi, I have exactly the same thing. It builds fine but then get some info.plist errors after App Store Connect processes the app. One of these errors is exactly this. I'm using XCode 12 (it wouldn't even be possible to build app clip without it).

Anyone found a solution for this? Please help as I'm stuck with this for the release.
What version Xcode 
I'm using XCode 12

which iOS version are you working with
i tried many
the same error

When do you see this err
after upload app i received email with this error

@KMT Can you help us
we still have the same problem

We have the same problem. We have just created a clean AppClip target from template with xcode12. We don't use requestAlwaysAuthorization anywhere in our code.

But when we push our app to TestFlight we get:

ITMS-90842: Invalid SDK usage - App clip '' uses the SDK selector 'requestAlwaysAuthorization', which is not supported. Ensure your app clip is using supported SDK features.

react-native app.
App Clips cannot request to always have access to a user's location.

If your app clip is not using requestAlwaysAuthorization then please file a bug report and include a sample project.
ITMS-90842: Invalid SDK usage