Files app displaying ubiquitous container files where NSUbiquitousContainerDocumentScopePublic is FALSE

My app stores data files in a ubiquity container.
NSUbiquitousContainerDocumentScopePublic is FALSE.

After accessing a file from within the app, it is now showing in the Recent files area of the Files app.

I would expect that because the ubiquitous container scope is private this should NOT occur.

I'm seeing this for other apps that also would not normally be exposing internal files.

Anyone else experiencing this? I have filed feedback with Apple and awaiting response.


I have filed feedback with Apple and awaiting response.

What was your bug number?

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + ""
Sorry for the delay in responding. No notification of your reply!

Bug is FB8721323

Response was "Unable to diagnose with current information" which isn't very helpful.

This is an iOS 14 only issue. I can access the entire ubiquity container from Files despite the scope setting.

a) select a recently opened file
b) select information
c) select where (icloud Drive/App name)
