Siri Shortcuts - An unknown error occured

Hey guys,
I'm currently developing a Siri shortcut and I'm having trouble with overriding an error if the shortcut is run via the Shortcuts app.

It always return only generic error:
Could not run <shortcut>
An unknown error occured

If I try to run this shortcut via Siri, the error that I have specified in my response shows up correctly.

I know that it is possible, because I saw that app Zero is overriding the error somehow. I just don't know how.

Thank you for any help.
I found a workaround for this bug (at least for me!). In my case it only happens when I'm feeding a Magic Variable into an action. So instead of using a Magic Variable I created a 'Set variable' for the output, and then fed that 'Set variable' into the action. In my case I was trying to feed a [String] into the 'Send Message (Contacts parameter)' action. Try avoiding Magic Variables and see if that helps.

CORRECTION: The results of this were intermittent. It seems the actual workaround was running the Shortcut multiple times.
Siri Shortcuts - An unknown error occured