-[EKEventStore calendarItemWithIdentifier:] Fatal Exception: NSInternalInconsistencyException Unknown entity name Task for objectID

As of IOS 14 my users are having many crashes due to a fatal exception from -[EKEventStore calendarItemWithIdentifier:] which reads as Fatal Exception: NSInternalInconsistencyException Unknown entity name Task for objectID

As far as I can see in Apples Doc and running tests on my own , this should not happen.

I am unable to reproduce this myself, no matter what I through at the function it will not give a fatal error and behaves as expected. This is from Apples crash reports and from Crashlytics totoaling over 5k crashes since iOS release.
I have since linked it to only Mobile Me type tasks, but no luck in reproducing it since I cannot create Mobile Me tasks.
-[EKEventStore calendarItemWithIdentifier:] Fatal Exception: NSInternalInconsistencyException Unknown entity name Task for objectID