Adjust the threshold for creating a new scene via drag and drop

Hi there,

I have a question about creating new scenes via drag and drop. Let's say I have an app with a custom view that goes edge to edge. The view is split horizontally in 10 equally sized containers, where each container holds multiple items. Items can be moved in between the containers with an UIDragInteraction/UIDropInteraction. If I want t see the details of an item, I tap on it to get a popover. So far the dummy app.

Now say I want to add multi-scene support to the app and allow creating a new window that shows the details of an item by dragging it to the far left or far right part of the screen. As soon as I allow this (by adding an URL representation of the dragged item with my custom URL scheme), I am not able to drag items anymore to the leftmost or to the rightmost container. As soon as I'm closer than ~75px to either edge, the system thinks I want to create a new scene as a popover.

Is there any way to thin down that threshold of ~75px? Or any other way to tell the system that this drag is still relevant to the underlying UI and no window should be created yet? My assumption is that there is no way to adjust it, but I hope I'm wrong here. It would be a shame to remove the feature to create new scenes via DnD, but with that big of a threshold, it seems to be impractical for my app.
