App not working at all

Hi there,

Its been so hard to discover what is happening with the app because when users try to use it they are getting a message about internet connection failure, but at the end, is not really the cause. Seems to be part of a security policy that I havent discover yet. So, I would need some help because there are a lot of users complaining about it.

Thanks so much

App not working at all

It that were true, users would be not be seeing info about a connection. Please try to be more specific.

Your post lacks sufficient information to try to get to the root cause. Talk about your app, what it does, try to share the exact error that users are seeing, what happened during your testing, which devices/OSs are involved etc. etc.

If your app requires an internet connection, location determination, etc. be sure to talk about your code that checks/requests/denies based on what the user can/wants to do.

a lot of users 

How many is 'alot'? - does that mean 6 out of just 10? 200 out of a 1000? A number/percentage would provide more information, thanks.

Good luck.
App not working at all