Income from App and Unemployment

Hello everyone, I realize this may be an odd question. However, during this time I taught myself how to make apps. Now, I want to release it but I am currently on Unemployment from the state of New York. I don't know how profitable my app will be, but I am guessing not enough to live on.

I want to release the app both on the Android marketplace and IOS store but I am fearful that the income will affect my unemployment benefits.

Does anyone know if this is the case? Or would this count as freelance income?

Thanks all!
Accepted Answer

I want to release the app both on the Android marketplace and IOS store but I am fearful that the income will affect my unemployment benefits. 

Does anyone know if this is the case? Or would this count as freelance income?

Hi, I've been through exactly what you're going through (except I was in Oregon).

Your first step is to consult an attorney.

Visit New York Bar Association affordable referral at There you can get a 30 minute consultation for only $35. I guarantee it will be the best $35 that you'll spend this year. Click on "Labor and Employment" to get started.

Ask the attorney your question, because only an attorney can properly answer this kind of question. Don't take the advice of someone from an internet forum. Not sure how NY works, but you can get in serious legal trouble if you misreport incomes during unemployment.

BTW: congratulations on teaching yourself how to make apps. I also did this exactly, back in the days before Swift or ARC. So I know how much time and effort, trial and error, hair-pulling, Stackoverflowing, Apple-documentation-cursing, header-reading, and refactoring is involved. You should be very proud of yourself and see this as the first of many steps in a long journey that, I promise, leads to great things.

Income from App and Unemployment