ITMS-90764 - Upload Failure - Intent Definitions?

Can anyone explain more about what this App Store Connect Upload error could be?

As far as I can tell this intent is only in a single intent extension, but I'm willing to learn how to better investigate.

Code Block
ERROR ITMS-90674: "Intents Extension Issue. The intent "CopyToGalleryIntent" is in multiple intents extensions, but it can only be in one."

Answered by ForumsContributor in
Did you use Xcode's search on the project?

Did you use Finder set to show invisibles and search the project folder?

Until you minesweep, I'd take the error at face value.

If you are certain there is only one instance, you may need to either file a bug against the backend and see what comes back, and/or submit a project that demos the issue to DTS and burn a support ticket to have them take a look.

Good luck.
Accepted Answer
Posting to help the googlers:

I was experimenting with an in-app-intent, and I defined this intent in the same file as my other out-of-app-intents. The target membership of this single intent definition file needs to be both the standard intent extension and my App. This is so the App can cast the intent passed to the Scene via UserActivity and handle intents that open the app.

It seems however that the in-app intent cannot be compiled into both the out-of-app intents bundle and the main app bundle. (The intent in the ITS error message is an in-app intent)

This was accepted by App Store Connect a few days ago, but I guess they changed their validation rules as they get ready for iOS14. :shrug:

I fixed this by creating a second intent definition file named "InAppIntents.intentsdefinition" and moved the in-app intent into this file. The target membership of this file is set to only be the app.

After duplicating and renaming some intent-types I got it building, and uploaded it without problems.
I have a similar situation here, where I rely on the Intents Extension to make my Widget Extension configurable, per Apple's own documentation. I only have 1 Intents Extension and I'm not sure why I keep getting this error...

ITMS-90764 - Upload Failure - Intent Definitions?