Re-purchasing subscription

I am currently testing purchases with Sandbox account.
  1. Purchase auto-renewable subcription

  2. Purchase the subscription again during the period of validity。

  3. Popup saying that "You are currently subscribed to this" is showing with buttons "Manage" and "OK".

when pressing "OK" the payment queue was returning a new receipt (with state SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchased)。
Is that normal?

Is this behavior expected/is a "normal transaction" meant to be "Purchased" or does production use a different state in this scenario? In the event of this is there any way for the App to detect that this purchase was already subscribed and react to it differently say to avoid associating a purchase twice? Some forums indicate that this occurrence should return a state of "Failed" but i have not seen this.

Any updates on this topic?

I am facing the exact same issue today. I can confirm that until recently I was getting a "Failed" event (SKPaymentTransactionStateFailed) with error code of SKErrorPaymentCancelled and I designed my code accordingly. Now it looks like the behavior is changed, and I can't tell if this is a glitch or change by design.

It's critical to know in order to target this use case correctly.

Anyone has an idea?

Any updates on this topic?

I am facing the exact same issue today. I can confirm that until recently I was getting a "Failed" event (SKPaymentTransactionStateFailed) with error code of SKErrorPaymentCancelled and I designed my code accordingly. Now it looks like the behavior is changed, and I can't tell if this is a glitch or change by design. 

It's critical to know in order to target this use case correctly.

Anyone has an idea?

I just tested re-purchasing an auto renewable subscription in sandbox on both iOS 13 and iOS 14:
  • On iOS 13, I encountered the same behavior as before where re-purchasing triggers SKPaymentTransactionStateFailed with SKErrorPaymentCancelled.

  • On iOS 14, purchasing triggers SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchased.

In both cases the "You are currently subscribed to this" alert is displayed, but the result is different as described above. Can anyone confirm that this is by design?

Same issue.

This is so critical.I hope apple developer team fix this quickly.
Me too facing the same issue. Had anyone found the solution for this?. I'm not able to find the duplicate purchases.

@ChenJingFeng, did you have any progress with this issue?

Same problem I am facing for the last few weeks.

that issue is making problems with our release delays. I am not able to find any solution. Please apple developers fix this issue on priority.

Re-purchasing subscription