Xcode Beta 5: App Store Connect Operation Error

Since I updated to the 5th beta of Xcode 12, I am unable to upload my app to AppStore Connect.

Everything worked perfectly, until I upgraded my Xcode 12 from beta 4 to beta 5, and now, when I try by using the Xcode Organizer, when uploading to the AppStore, I get an "App Store Connect Operation Error".
The only message in the error box is "An error occurred uploading to the App Store".
I'm now totally unable to send the app to AppStore Connect, even with the old Beta 4, even an old version of the app I know it works.

If I use the Xcode 11 or the Transporter app to upload the archive, the file is well uploaded to the AppStore Connect, but get rejected for "Invalid Binary". (No mails explaining why are sent.)

Does anyone else encounter the same issue?
Does anyone know how to fix it?

Thanks by advance,
Your app was built with a beta version of Xcode or SDK. Apps submitted to the App Store must be built with the GM version of Xcode 10.1 and the SDK for iOS 12.1 and watchOS 5.1, Xcode 7.1 and the SDK for tvOS 9, or Xcode 6 and the SDK for macOS 10.9 or later. If you are using an Xcode beta version to test your app, make sure you are using the latest supported version. For more information about supported beta versions, view the App Store Connect Whats New page.

This is what apple said to me when I submitted an app using Xcode beta.

Hope this is helpful!
Xcode Beta 5: App Store Connect Operation Error