About receipts for in-app purchase (production environments)

I have three questions about receipts for in-app purchase production environments.
  1. About receipts obtained locally

We get the receipt in the following ways:
Code Block
let receiptURL = Bundle.main.appStoreReceiptURL
let rawData = try Data(contentsOf: receiptURL!, options: [])

Does the receipt obtained by this method include the receipt information of other apps? I would like to know if a purchase associated with multiple Bundle IDs is included in this receipt. In the Sandbox environment, only one application's information was confirmed.

2. Receipt if you haven't purchased anything

What happens if a device that has not purchased anything gets a receipt using the above method? The behavior related to receipt is different in the sandbox environment and the production environment, so I would like to know the facts of the production environment.

3. Receipt when you sign in with a different Apple ID

In the Sandbox environment, if you sign in to a different Sandbox account, you can see that the receipt for your previous Sandbox account remains. Is it a Sandbox specific issue? We're trying to solve this problem using the SKRefreshRequest method in the Sandbox environment only, is it unnecessary in the production environment?

I would appreciate it if you could answer.
Thank you very much.
About receipts for in-app purchase (production environments)