Log custom analytics event in App Clips

In my main iPhone application, I am using Omniture to log the analytics events. Before we launch App Clip this fall, product team would like to know if we could integrate custom analytics or not. Considering we have 10 MB size limit for app clips installation size as per this answer, I don't think Omniture SDK could be added in App Clip target. Hence it will be difficult to log any analytics event from App Clip target.

As per SKOverlay.AppClipConfiguration documentation, I could pass the campaign Token & provideToken but that will be logged in App Store Connect Analytics campaign if I understand it correctly.

Did anybody integrated custom analytics events in App Clip target? If yes, could you please share the how do you achieve it?
One thing you could do is use an analytics provider that offers an analytics data ingestion API via REST. This way you could make a simple network call using URLSession to track basic events, rather than using the entire mobile SDK/library. An example that I'm familiar with is Mixpanel
Log custom analytics event in App Clips