Cannot install macOS Big Sur Beta

Hello all,
I'm trying to install Big Sur beta and I face the same problem every time - after the installer is downloaded, installation starts and when the progress bar reaches 12 minutes installation interrupts with an error message "An error occurred installing macOS. You can try again to complete the installation".
I encounter the same problem starting from Beta 3, then Beta 4 and now the Public beta.
I performed SMC reset and even complete reinstall of macOS Catalina with no avail.
Would appreciate any help or ideas.
My system is 15" MacBook Pro (15,1) running macOS Catalina 10.15.6.
A workaround is to enter this into the Terminal prior to running the installer:

Code Block bash
sudo nvram IASUCatalogURL=

Hi, what is that, what does it do?
Thanks that fixed it, what did it do?
This also worked! Thanks 👍🏽
Didn't work for me. I copied and pasted it, it asked for my password, I supplied that, re-ran the installer, same error at the same time. Did I do something wrong?
Hi all,

I fixed this by:
  • Open Terminal. Paste and enter:

Code Block
sudo nvram IASUCatalogURL=

You may need to enter 2 time if you got the error.

After that, rerun the installer --> It worked.

After done upgrading, you should update the nvram back:

Code Block
sudo nvram -d IASUCatalogURL

Hi @kh4inguyen, do you know if that solution works even installing Big Sur from USB from boot? Thanks
Hi the last suggestion fixed the problem. It works even with boot USB for clean installation. Thanks.
Disabling the Gatekeeper helped me after I encountered another problem after this one
I was getting an error installing it via App Store. However, this worked for me. After I tried (and failed) to install it from App Store, I found that I have a new Application:

Code Block
/Applications/Install macOS Big Sur

I right-clicked that, clicked "Show Package Contents", and navigated to Contents -> MacOS and I double-clicked InstallAssistant.

I was able to install it from there
Even I am facing an issue installing Big Sur, unlike others the issue with my 15MBP is the entire 12.2G file gets downloaded and then nothing happens; the installation doesn't start. If I retry it starts from square 1 trying to download 12.2G again.
Cannot install macOS Big Sur Beta