Apple's Silence = Denied for Smaller Developer? No Update for >2wks on Application for Universal App Quick Start Program

It has been over 2 weeks since we applied for the Universal App Quick Start Program, with absolutely no feedback or word from Apple. Seems like there are no channels for smaller developers to understand if it was denied or not: is it safe to assume that if it's ignored for a while, it means it was denied? Not sure who's in this situation and what to assume about the handling and transparency.
Answered by hoomane in 631674022
Update: got accepted a week ago, coming tomorrow.
I applied personally on the Monday and was approved the next day, and I don't have any apps in the App Store. Now that it's August, it might be that there are delays manufacturing enough to meet the last wave of demand, and there's no telling when the program will "end" other than when Big Sur is released.
Last Mon Aug 3rd? I applied on July 23rd and, with the current account, we're in the exact same situation—no apps: but me and my partner are in an accelerator and actively working... Total silence just seems erratic, and criteria opaque. The lack of transparency also makes it hard to contribute to getting something figured out before the new products hit the market.
The Monday meaning June 22nd, the day of the announcement. My experience suggests it's limited purely by supply rather than a special decision-making process.
Got it. It makes absolutely sense, but still not sure given the lack of transparency about reasons/process. Wonder what the current experience of others who applied post-WWDC first wave are.
Looks like Apple either never produced more than a first wave, or the process is not transparent with smaller devs and not taking them into account. We just have to resign to a delay until public releases—which is fine, just a bit unexpected, like the total silence.
I applied immediately have apps in the store and got no response. Why have an application process that just ignores applications, if they are denied why not just inform the developer its basic business etiquette !
If you haven't received a response for a significant amount of time, try revoking your application and reapplying. Make sure your description of why you actually need to use the hardware is concise, honest, and compelling.
I rushed my initial application and my pitch for why I needed it probably indicated as much. After not hearing anything for over a month, I followed my own advice by revoking and reapplying with a more thoughtful explanation for why I needed it. I was approved a few days later.
Just got accepted today for my Day One application.
Wonder if it was merit-based, supply-based, an error, or a combination of the three...
Accepted Answer
Update: got accepted a week ago, coming tomorrow.
Apple's Silence = Denied for Smaller Developer? No Update for >2wks on Application for Universal App Quick Start Program