Update from Big Sur Beta 3 to Beta 4 fails

I just tried to update from Big Sur Developer Beta 3 to Beta 4, but the update is not happening.

What happens is that in System Preferences, I get offered the update to Beta 4. I press "Update Now" and the system reboots. I see then normal boot progress bar, except it's slow/seems to be stuck. After a while the login window appears. I login and "About this Mac" says I'm still running Beta 3. System Preferences still offers to update to Beta 4. Tried it again, same result. No error or other message is shown about why the update failed.

What can I check/do to install the update?
You are not alone in being unable to update to Beta 4. On my DTK, when clicking Update Now, the progress bar goes quickly up to a fifth, then abruptly fails with an error claiming that the download failed. Had a problem more similar to yours on an Intel Mac too (it would advertise two updates, one for Beta 4 and one for the full version). If yours is an Intel Mac I would recommend unenrolling from beta updates, then enrolling again. Try installing the full Big Sur beta if that is an option. The incremental update to Beta 4 bricked my Mac and had to go into Recovery Mode.
I get the Download Failed (Check your internet connection) pop-up as well when trying to update the Apple Silicon A12Z Mac mini. Ugh
Huh… I'm currently working on a System Extension and the system often gets into a broken state that can only be fixed by a reboot. So I was rebooting for the 4th time in a few hours and all of a sudden the reboot took veeery long again: stuck at about 20% or so, like FxFactory said. But this time, when the system came up, if finally was at Beta 4. Sorry, no idea what was different this time.
I'm getting the download error on my dev kit as well.
Yep, same problem here. DTK won't update to Beta 4. Anyone find a workaround?
Same here, I was updating an iOS device, an Intel Mac, but my A12z DTK doesn't want to update (begin to download it then stop while saying there is a problem with my Internet connection).
ditto. offers beta 4, progress bar hangs at beginning..
i have dl'd the full big sur installer (12GB), should i install this? will it bring it up to b4?

or should i stay put on b3 and wait for apple to fix delta ota updater?
What is the Apple download link for the Big Sue beta 4 installer? Thanks @dtich

PS: Found it https://developer.apple.com/download/universal/
And will try full reinstall
When I tried to do the update from beta 3 to beta 4, it went into an infinite reboot loop. Progress bar might go 10% then reboot, and repeat. Over and over. I can use the Option key to select the startup disk and boot up, but the machine does not act 'normal' anymore (touch security doesn't work for instance). If I launch Disk Utility and look at the container for my volumes, I see volumes I shouldn't be seeing (preboot, not mounted, etc.). I can also launch into recovery mode and disk utility comes up fine. If I look at my Time Machine backups, the backups associated with 'Macintosh HD' are 10.15. If I look at the backups for 'Macintosh HD - Data', they are 11. The machine was on 10.15.6 before installing Big Sur Beta 1. If I try to restore from one of the version 11 backups, it tells me I need to reinstall MacOS then restore. If I go to reinstall, the only option it gives me is 10.15 to reinstall.

Something definitely went wonky in the update from 3 to 4. Haven't decided what my next step will be, but documenting here for woes on the 3 to 4 update. Seems like it failed, and left temporary volumes on my drive. Prefs keeps telling me that Beta 4 is available, but any time I try to install via Prefs, it goes back to it's infinite reboot loop.
my mac mini dtk shows that beta 4 is available but when I click on update now and hit agree, it loads for a couple seconds and just goes back the update now button. it says its scheduled to try later tonight but that never happens. rebooting makes no difference.

i'm afraid to force update by loading beta on bootable usb and installing manually. maybe i'll just wait until beta 5?

https://i. imgur.com/JHL2JFk.gif here is a gif of the issue
Follow-up on my situation. I was able to re-install MacOS from booting into Recovery mode. I had to delete local time machine snapshots first for it to think it had enough space (even though I had 40+GB free and clear (not tied up as purgeable). But installing it that way seems to have started over from scratch on the install and avoided the infinite reboot issue I was having when trying it through System Prefs. So far things seem back to normal (as normal as a beta can be...).
Same boot loop as other reported. The problem is that Apple removed the image completely from here:
Does anyone know another place to download the IPSW file?
Or maybe they will add it back when they will release beta 6?
Had the same download error (check your internet connection (which is fine)) here when trying to upgrade to beta 6.

But there is a pinned message from Apple in the DTK forum that you need to use the 'Beta Access Utility' to upgrade the DTK. After installing that one, the download works.
Update from Big Sur Beta 3 to Beta 4 fails