How to install Big Sur beta3 from 20A4300b?

I am using Big Sur beta(20A4300b), and received the updated notifications with Big Sur beta and another updated to beta3, but, the system always stay at Big Sur beta(20A4300b),no matter update which one in the update list, maybe I missed the beta2 update, how to resolve it?
Tried to re-install Big Sur beta again and again and restart again, then re-installed beta3 successfully.
oh I have tried updating my machine from Beta 1 to 2&3 at least 10 times .. but still it shows 20A4300b and pops up saying new update available. Let me try to reinstall it completely as you suggested.
But how did you install beta 3, can you pls share the steps?
In System preferences > Software Update popup I still see the same upgrade button which downloads 12 GB, restarts multiple times and then the same error.... I have tried it 10 times...
I too had to re-install from scratch between beta 2 and beta 3. Now same thing happening between beta 4 and 5. Always fails after update is downloaded then says failure occurred check your internet provider. There is absolutely nothing wrong with my internet provider. I'm done with the beta for macOS 11. I will just wait for the official release, too bad though I found it to be a really nice update on my 2019 27' iMac.
How to install Big Sur beta3 from 20A4300b?