WatchOS 7 beta 3 - constant freezing

I’m seeing regular freezing of the UI with a Series 5 running WatchOS 7 beta 3.

I thought it was to do with hand washing, but that’s now disabled and the problem remains.

Has anyone found a way of avoiding the freezing, or a way to quickly recover from a freeze? (I’m doing a hard reset every time)


Me too.

Also iPhone and iPad on latest betas are prompting for credentials for every app when it is run the first time after the latest beta is installed. iCloud wanted a new sign-in.

It's as if all stored credentials were wiped. I wonder if that has some bearing on the watch being unresponsive for long periods of time.
For anyone else with a freezing WatchOS 7 beta 3: I think it’s the watchface.

”Numerals Duo” freezes regularly. “California” does not.
I was having this same issue pretty persistently, but turning off Background App Refresh (Watch iOS App -> My Watch -> General -> Background App Refresh) for all third party Watch apps seems to have done the trick.