Safari and Chrome unresponsive on IOS 14 Beta

For Chrome and Safari, It loads for about 10 seconds and flashes the page of google with its results then after a second, goes to "A problem repeatedly occurred..." then lists the page link for Safari and then "Aw, Snap!" for google chrome.

This only started happening after I updated to the new IOS 14 Beta. Is there a fix for this without having to use the revert to the last back up?

4 me too
iphone 7!
Same issue with me too.. hence i suppose apps which are using web based connections are also not working..(Amazon etc)
Facing same issue i suppose from Beta 1. next two beta as well didn't solve the issue.
Pls help with some work around to resolve the issue as tried resetting network settings, erase all data and contents, Clearing Browsing History and data. No luck.
Also found Stock Mail app not working as smooth as it used to be in iOS 13. Lot of unresponsiveness. Beta 3 Mail app was slightly better than previous beta versions.
I have the same issues. iPhone 7. The Gmail app is very slow and unresponsive also.

Same issue in iOS 14 Beta 4, iPhone 7
This issue is fixed for me with Beta5. (iPhone 7)

still happening with latest build... ipad pro
This issue is fixed in Beta 5 on iPhone 7.
i found that if you are forcing safari to use desktop pages this still happens - especially on youtube- of i let it use mobile its fine
Safari and Chrome unresponsive on IOS 14 Beta