Problem building Watch Extension in Xcode 12 beta 3

I have a problem building my project on Xcode 12 beta 3. When I build I get the following error for my Watch Extension:

Code Block
ld: in /Applications/, building for watchOS Simulator, but linking in object file (/Applications/ built for watchOS, for architecture arm64

From what I understand is that it is complaining that the libWKExtensionMainLegacy.a file is build for arm64, not the simulator.

I've checked but didn't really help me.

Any suggestions on how to resolve this?

Accepted Reply

I'm getting the same error.

I have CLANG_MODULES_AUTOLINK set to NO, both WatchConnectivity and WatchKit frameworks linked explicitly (the extension is written in Objective-C).

Turned out libWKExtensionMainLegacy.a in Platforms/WatchSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/WatchSimulator7.0.sdk supports x86_64, i386, and arm64.

Code Block
$ lipo -archs libWKExtensionMainLegacy.a
x86_64 arm64 i386

However, according to the link, the configuration might not be correct.

Having x8664 code is not sufficient to distinguish if a binary is intended for the iOS Simulator, a macOS app, or a Mac Catalyst app. Combing built binaries across different destinations (which includes the simulator vs. device binaries) is not a supported combination -- there is no Apple platform where ARM code and x8664 code in the same binary is a correct configuration.

Stripping the arm64 from the binary didn't help (just did it for testing, it couldn't be treated as a solution anyway), and got a new warning:

Code Block
Showing Recent Issues
Ignoring file .../, missing required architecture arm64 in file .../ (2 slices)

and error:

Code Block
Showing Recent Issues
In .../, building for watchOS Simulator, but linking in object file (.../ built for watchOS, file '.../' for architecture arm64


I'm getting the same error.

I have CLANG_MODULES_AUTOLINK set to NO, both WatchConnectivity and WatchKit frameworks linked explicitly (the extension is written in Objective-C).

Turned out libWKExtensionMainLegacy.a in Platforms/WatchSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/WatchSimulator7.0.sdk supports x86_64, i386, and arm64.

Code Block
$ lipo -archs libWKExtensionMainLegacy.a
x86_64 arm64 i386

However, according to the link, the configuration might not be correct.

Having x8664 code is not sufficient to distinguish if a binary is intended for the iOS Simulator, a macOS app, or a Mac Catalyst app. Combing built binaries across different destinations (which includes the simulator vs. device binaries) is not a supported combination -- there is no Apple platform where ARM code and x8664 code in the same binary is a correct configuration.

Stripping the arm64 from the binary didn't help (just did it for testing, it couldn't be treated as a solution anyway), and got a new warning:

Code Block
Showing Recent Issues
Ignoring file .../, missing required architecture arm64 in file .../ (2 slices)

and error:

Code Block
Showing Recent Issues
In .../, building for watchOS Simulator, but linking in object file (.../ built for watchOS, file '.../' for architecture arm64

I believe this is an issue if you are deploying to earlier than watchOS 6. Bumping the watchOS deployment target to 6.0 made this go away. This isn't a long-term solution for us, but might be useful for others.
I've filed FB8207488 with a sample project. This is easily reproducible by creating a new "iOS App with Watch app" project and dropping the watchOS deployment target to 5.3.