Our project uses cocoapods dependencies, but the podfile's settings for each target is the same.
When I launch AppClip, I get an error like:
dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/{pod's name}.framework/{pod's name}
Referenced from: ~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/54FBE668-8806-41F4-B7AC-8A9D5C3427BA/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/F8C1318E-FC26-4806-8FA3-1E36C240F036/AppClip.app/AppClip
Reason: image not found
dyld: launch, loading dependent libraries
I checked the paths in FrameWorkSearchPaths's property (build settings) and Runpath Search Path. They're correct for every target, including AppClip.
I compared two targets (App's target and AppClip's target) and found out that for some reason dynamic frameworks are not copied into the AppClip when AppClip target building, but copied into App's target.
I checked it in AppClip's and App's folder with frameworks, but it's missing at this address:
The parameters in these build settings' targets are identical.