Sections in Dynamic Options

In the Video around 15:50 mark, the ability to group dynamic options (in custom intents) into sections was demonstrated using the new INObjectCollection & INObjectSection classes. I have been trying to use these in my Intents, but my dynamic options keep showing up as a single un-sectioned list. Are sectioned dynamic options not yet available in beta 3?


They are available in beta 3. The Soup Chef sample code project has an example for the soup parameter that you can see.
I'm doing this exactly as done in the Soup Chef sample code project, yet my sections only appear when searching/filtering, not dynamic options when unfiltered. Is this intended behavior?
The sections appear for SoupChef without filtering or searching. Can you supply a link to a small sample project (most ideal) or attach some code snippets here?
Here created a quick & dirty sample project:

The project contains a custom Intent to configure a WidgetKit Widget. The code used to provide options in the intent handler is :-

Code Block
NSMutableArray *sections = [NSMutableArray new];
for (NSUInteger i=0; i<10; i++) {
       NSString *uuidString = [NSUUID UUID].UUIDString;
       [sections addObject:[[INObjectSection alloc] initWithTitle:uuidString items:@[[[Sample alloc] initWithIdentifier:uuidString displayString:uuidString]]]];
completion([[INObjectCollection alloc] initWithSections:sections], nil);

Yet, when you try to configure the accompanying widget, the options appear in single/unified un-sectioned list. They only appear in sections when searching/filtering.

Thanks for the sample. It is revealing an issue with Beta 3. Please open and attach your sample to a Feedback Assistant ticket, and post the number here.
Thanks for acknowledging this. I have opened Feedback Assistant ticket FB8202376.
This issue appears to have been addressed in beta 4. So, thanks again!