Cleaner HomeKit and SiriKit integration

Note - I have filed a Feedback for the following feature request, but I believe these features could be useful to other apps as well: FB8077889

I am the developer of Home Flash for HomeKit, designed to take advantage of the HomeKit lights in our homes for communication purposes - my app works great for calling the kids to dinner, but I'm currently exploring the accessibility uses, and finding the API support lacking in a few places. Consider the following:
  • My example user is my father - in his 70's, and having difficulty hearing. He has had hearing aids for years, but the only place I have ever seen them are charging on the counter - I have never seen him use them. Additionally, he does not have his iPhone or iPad on him at all times (I know, I don't understand it either :) )

  • I would like to be able to use some strategically placed smart bulbs in his office and in the living room to be able to help communicate with him. I can do this today verbally using Siri, so my mother can say "Hey Siri, Get Dad", and have the lights pulse or flash -- setting this up can be done in the app, and my app can guide the user through it.

  • The following two scenarios cannot be setup through the app, and in once can't be setup at all:

Scenario 1:
Flash a light when a text/email/call is received from a specific person - this would be useful to signal to him that one of his kids and/or friends is trying to communicate with him. NOTE: This CAN be done via the Shortcuts app in iOS 14, but with a huge caveat -- my dad needs to configure it himself, which he will NOT do. I could set this up for him myself, but I am hesitant to do so, because if he ever wants to adjust it or turn it off, he likely would not -- instead, I believe he would get frustrated, and just remove the light bulbs.

FEATURE REQUEST #1 - provide an API similar to the HomeKit ActionSet API to be able to programmatically create Shortcut automations.

Scenario 2:
Trigger Siri Intents from HomeKit triggers. This would be ideal for signaling that someone is at the door, however it is currently not possible. I am aware that it's possible to program a shortcut to flash a light via the Shortcuts app, but my father doesn't even know the Shortcuts app exists, much less is he likely to figure this out. I understand in iOS 14 that the HomePod and Apple TV will be able to announce visitors at the door with an HSV-compliant doorbell, but my dad has neither of these products, nor is he interested in buying them (it would also raise the cost of such a solution significantly).

FEATURE REQUEST #2 - allow a HomeKit trigger (Button Press, Accessory is Controlled or Sensor Detects Something) to trigger Siri Intents in 3rd party apps.