MAC Address Randomization in macOS

With iOS 14, there is a toggle to enable and disable MAC Address Randomization for SSIDs using the "Use Private Address" toggle.

It seems like the feature is not available on macOS Big Sur. The WiFi documentation has DisableAssociationMACRandomization which only seems to work on iOS devices as of now. Is there any way to toggle this feature currently on macOS or is the feature going to be made available on Big Sur?

It seems like the feature is not available on macOS Big Sur.

I haven’t looked at this in depth but, if this is important to you, you should definitely file a bug describing what you need here.

Please post your bug number, just for the record.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + ""
Hi, Pyro_90

Just found your post, it a bit dated I'm afraid but just incase you haven't found your answer yet, there is this article that might help you out. it more manual Labor I'm afraid, unless you make a script out of it then you can quickly enable and disable.

I can't post weblinks unfortunately apple is against it. so google "How to randomize the WiFi MAC address on a Macbook" and look for the website "power" then you find an answer to you question.

I do hope apple brings a more integrated system for this feature so we don't have to do all this work! :D

Take Care!
MAC Address Randomization in macOS