Error: code 1048 (You must first sign the relevant contracts online. (1048))

After i want to notarize app i get this error. My admin have had agree with agreements and still does not work. 14 days ago notarize was working. But now is not working. Is there other problem with it or just agree the agreements?

Thanks for response team Samohyb


The info I have to shared about this 1048 error is in this post.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + ""
I ran into this too. It turns out to be a glitch in Apple's developer web site, as far as notifications displaying properly there to tell you what you need to agree to. It turned out that I had a banking contract that was updated and needed agreement, but that wasn't what was shown and linked to from the warning message at the top of the page.