CloudKit Dashboard not responding

Starting 7/10/20 at ~4:00PM CDT can no longer access CloudKit dashboard from Xcode button. Checked App system system status website and it shows green but the link there doesn't work. Safari reports that: the website at is not responding. Went to my developer account and tried the link from inside my account; same result. Then I figured they must be down for maintenance so I dropped it and went on to something else. Came back this morning and it's still not responding so now I'm thinking it's me. Checked all my agreements on the developer account and everything is current. What am I missing? Can't remember ever having this problem before...
Thanks in advance for the help.
A little more info: I can get in to my developer account and see everything EXCEPT CloudKit Dashboard. I'm using Safari and the latest OS (10.15.5). When I click on the dashboard link from my account the location window switches to:
And this is where it gets stuck. Must be something wrong with my account?? I ran Malwarebytes & EtreCheck scans on full disk and both came back clean. I am able to get into AppStoreConnect and I checked my agreements again; all current... Rebooted the Mac; started Safari in safe mode... no joy

Has anyone else ever seen a signin failure like this? Only on CloudKit but all other services are still accessible? Weird. I feel like I'm in a Covid bubble...
The exact same thing is happening to me right now. I've been trying to get in for a day and half. Every once in a while the dashboard will actually load but then when I try to deploy the schema (which is the main thing I need to do right now), I get a weird error.
This problem has been solved. I discovered that I had a developer agreement on my personal developer account (which I rarely use now) which was unsigned. I signed it thinking "Ahh, that's the problem" , but even 24 hours later I still could not get to the dashboard. I kept getting an access timeout with no response from the server (but only on the dashboard website).

I got Apple Support involved which is how the problem ultimately got resolved. Yesterday morning, I tried it again and it was suddenly working again. I doubt I'll ever know for sure how this got fixed, but my very strong suspicion is that it was tied to my personal developer account agreement not being signed. I can only speculate that the control logic on IDMS/WebAuth tripped because of my unsigned agreement and for some reason, it didn't reset properly after I signed. Bottom line lesson for me: make sure ALL agreements on ALL accounts are signed.
CloudKit Dashboard not responding