Core Data and Diffable Data Source usage


I've set up a sample project to test out the usage of Core Data and Diffable Data Sources and I was wondering what the correct setup is.

When fetching 15.000 items with the NSFetchedResultsController and the old data source method, the app takes up about 5.8 MB.

When doing the same with a manual fetch, it takes about 13.9 MB.

And when using NSFetchedResultsController in conjunction with diffable data source, it uses around 13.3 MB.

Am I right in assuming that using diffable data source with NSFetchedResultsController is removing the memory optimization (not loading all objects at once)? And therefore the biggest difference between a manual fetch and a NSFetchedResultsController fetch is the automatic updating?

What's the recommended way to use Core Data today? The way I see it, using NSFetchedResultsController with the classic data source model is the most efficient? And using manual fetching or using NSFetchedResultsController with diffable data source yields around same memory usage?
Would like to know as well
Core Data and Diffable Data Source usage