OSLog Tools for Examining Difficult Issues?

I've found Console.app much harder to use in recent years, and one of the issues is the firehose of data is much more difficult to examine when you don't know what you're looking for, especially if you have to turn on debug and info.
As an example of a tool, I'm posting a script I wrote to gather likely subsystem/category names from other binaries. It's crude, but does a decent job when you're not sure where to start
Code Block Swift
import Foundation
extension Process {
class func launchedForLines(url: URL, args: [String], block: (String) -> Void) {
let proc = Process(), pipe = Pipe(), eol = Data([0x0A])
proc.executableURL = url
proc.arguments = args
proc.standardOutput = pipe
let output = pipe.fileHandleForReading
var buffer = Data(capacity: Int(LINE_MAX)), chunk = output.availableData
while !chunk.isEmpty {
while let range = buffer.range(of: eol) {
let slice = buffer[0..<range.lowerBound]
buffer.replaceSubrange(0..<range.upperBound, with: Data())
if let line = String(data: slice, encoding: .utf8) {
chunk = output.availableData
struct Log : Hashable, Equatable {
let subsystem:String, category:String
func find_logs(url: URL) -> [Log]? {
let literal = "literal pool for: \"", hold = "HOLD"
var ring = [hold, hold], idx = false, logs = Set<Log>()
Process.launchedForLines(url: URL(fileURLWithPath: "/usr/bin/otool", isDirectory: false), args: ["-tV", url.path], block: { (line) in
if let range = line.range(of: literal) {
let frag = line[range.upperBound..<line.index(before: line.endIndex)]
ring[idx ? 1 : 0] = String(frag)
idx = !idx
else if line.range(of: "_os_log_create", options: .literal) != nil {
let sub = ring[idx ? 1 : 0], cat = ring[idx ? 0 : 1]
if sub != hold && cat != hold && sub.range(of: ".", options: .literal) != nil {
logs.insert(Log(subsystem: sub, category: cat))
ring = [hold, hold]
return logs.isEmpty ? nil : Array(logs)
func check_mach(url: URL) -> Bool {
guard let handle = try? FileHandle(forReadingFrom: url) else {
return false
let size = MemoryLayout.size(ofValue: MH_MAGIC), magic = handle.readData(ofLength: size)
try? handle.close()
return magic.count == size && [MH_MAGIC, MH_MAGIC_64, FAT_CIGAM, FAT_CIGAM_64].contains(magic.withUnsafeBytes({ $0.load(as: UInt32.self) }))
func enumerate(url: URL, block: (URL, URLFileResourceType) -> Void) {
guard let type = try? url.resourceValues(forKeys: [.fileResourceTypeKey]).fileResourceType else {
block(url, type)
if (type == .directory) {
_ = (try? FileManager.default.contentsOfDirectory(at: url, includingPropertiesForKeys: [.fileResourceTypeKey], options: []))?.map({ enumerate(url: $0, block: block) })
let args = ProcessInfo().arguments
guard let base = args.count > 1 ? URL(fileURLWithPath: args[1]) : nil else {
print("Specify exactly one argument, the path to search")
enumerate(url: base) { (url, type) in
autoreleasepool {
if type == .regular && check_mach(url: url), let logs = find_logs(url: url) {
print("Found binary \(url.path)")
_ = logs.map({ print("Subsystem: \($0.subsystem) Category: \($0.category)") })

OSLog Tools for Examining Difficult Issues?