macOS Big Sur beta install issue

I installed macOS Big Sur on my existing catalina drive. Simply downloaded developer beta software package and installed on top of existing macOS installation. Thought it will be simple but macOS hung after install and trying to first time reboot. I can get into Safe boot mode but can't boot into regular mode. On regular reboot just gets stuck on Apple Logo forever. Left it all night long for about 12hrs but doesn't move single %

I have to exact same problem.

im booted into macOS Big Sur from safe mode, but can’t boot normally
I had a similar issue with my LATE 2013 rMBP going from 10.15 to 11.0b2, except the progress bar was 3/4 full and wouldn’t go any further. The solution appears to have been hard power off, doing an SMC reset, followed by a PRAM reset. Now, the progress bar says there’s about 8 minutes remaining. I’ll update in a few if it actually finishes, but it looks good!
Same here. MBPro 2018.

First attempt led to countless reboots with the Apple logo.

Reinstalled my old system and tried again. Computer starts up with the Catalina background, asks for password and then keeps rebooting.
macOS Big Sur beta install issue