Documentation about using animation in USDZ

Is there documentation about animation support in USDZ?

Basic animation support is there, but a lot of details are not documented, e.g.
  • only integer time codes are not supported (FB7612617),

  • there's really low memory constraints around animation length and object count,

  • only specific bone orientations are supported for skinned meshes (FB7701501)

Instead of stabbing in the dark, it would be great to have proper docs for this, especially around the memory constraints. I think all of the above are bugs (didn't get any reaction so far) but still I think documentation for the status quo is required...

Does anyone have more insights into this?
There are some Apple docs on memory constraints for AR Quick Look.

A GitHub doc written on compatibility issues with glTF is also useful reference source for certain constraints

I have found the best reference for animation capability in AR Quick Look is to use Apple’s Reality Composer app. Which exports both supported Reality & usdz file formats.

Documentation about using animation in USDZ