No suitable application records found

I've run into a dumb but thorny issue while running archive validation. I'm getting the "No suitable application records found" error. Can't upload to App Connect with this error. The error message suggests to verify the bundle identifier is correct.

I've checked:
1) That the bundle identifier is correct
2) That it matches the identifier in the App Connect identifier list for my team
3) that the team hex string is correct.
4) that my dev & dist certificates are current
5) that all my team agreements are signed & current
6) I've scoured the forum looking for ideas

A couple things I'm suspicious about:
1) my distribution certificate had expired on 6/30/20 so I had to get a new one.
2) I have a new MBP which I've only been using for a couple weeks

I tried building a brand new test app with nothing in it and it fails the same way when I try to validate the archive.

I used the same setup to build, archive, & validate another existing app that I have for sale in the store and it passes validation (I was expecting it to fail). I have not yet tried to run validation for the new app on my old laptop but that's next.

I'm stuck and looking for ideas...
Many thanks in advance for your help

Update 1: I ran the new app on the old machine and it failed validation but I have a new clue: The new error says:
" The ABC Corporation has one Apple Distribution certificate but it's private key is not installed. Contact the creator of the certificate to get a copy of the private key."
Of course, the old laptop doesn't have the new certificate key but maybe that also a problem with the new laptop? I screwed up when installing the new distribution certificate?? I'll check this next.
Problem solved. Goofy error on my part. Had nothing to do with certificates, they were all fine. I was checking for the app identifier in my Developer account identifiers list at: Developer/Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles/Identifiers and all was fine there BUT... I never created a new app inside AppStoreConnect. It's been so long since I did it that I simply forgot this step. You need to add a new App inside AppStoreConnect with the correct identifier and a SKU of your choosing. The forums had already identified this step but I was misinterpreting what they were suggesting. I kept going to my developer account and checking identifiers and iCloud containers & entitlements. Anyway, problem solved and I'm on to TestFlight... Hope this helps someone down the road.
Just wanted to say thank you very much for your post. It's been a while since I created a new App, and I too forgot about this step. Seeing your post it all came flooding back to me.

No suitable application records found