Does free account 'registration' of bundle ID do anything with app name?

I'm currently working with an app that was initially created for local development only using a free account, and the company account holder is now setting up the app store record.

Because I don't usually create apps with free accounts I was unaware that XCode will actually (without any notification) reserve the bundle ID for an app created this way. This is referenced in a few forum issues, e.g.

We encountered this and can't create the bundle ID in the paid account because of it, which is a bummer, but easy to work around by changing the bundle ID.

My question: there isn't anything similar done with app name, is there? All my experience + docs I've read says app name must be explicitly reserved with a paid account, but since I was surprised by this auto-registration of bundle ID I want to confirm.

Xcode does not automatically reserve app names ever, correct? If we're getting an "in use" error creating the app and it isn't published, it can't be our free account project that has reserved it, it must be another paid app developer?


Accepted Reply

Just posting a follow-up on this - we did confirm that the "in use" name was from another app developer for an unreleased app, and we were able to get it resolved through developer support since my company had the name as a registered trademark. So it wasn't our earlier free-account prototype that marked the app name as "in use" as it did for the bundle id.


Just posting a follow-up on this - we did confirm that the "in use" name was from another app developer for an unreleased app, and we were able to get it resolved through developer support since my company had the name as a registered trademark. So it wasn't our earlier free-account prototype that marked the app name as "in use" as it did for the bundle id.