Installing MacOS Catalina from Big Sur

I wanted to try out the beta for Big Sur, but now I'm stuck. When I download Catalina, I am unable to install it. I get a message that says 'This copy of the macOS Catalina installer application is too old to be opened on this version of macOS.' Is there another way to install Catalina without wiping the computer?
Do a search on something like: downgrade from big sur beta to catalina

You'll find a number of articles with details. The short of it is to use Recovery to erase your disk, then reinstall MacOS - which will bring Catalina back. Make sure you pay attention to the details given in the articles, though, as there are some steps you don't want to miss.
This is the dumbest thing. I literally can't airdrop on Big Sur, and Apple makes it almost impossible to go back to Catalina. Way to go, Apple. Seriously, I'm going to migrate away from your products after this awful move.
SAME BS... Driving me nutz. I need acrobat and Sur decided it will not work
Installing MacOS Catalina from Big Sur