App Clips for Paid App

Can my paid app offer a free app clip?

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Does that mean that paid apps will have to offer free app clips? Can app clips be paid for?
Hi there,

App clips aren't mandatory. For a paid app, its app clip would need to be free because users don't download and purchase app clips, they launch them instantly. In addition, app clips can't use in-app payments.
To clarify a couple of comment above, while App Clips can’t use In App Purchase (that is, StoreKit), they can use Apple Pay to enable payments from within the App Clip. (For example, to buy a smoothie, or unlock a bike.)

See the Streamlined section of Introducing App Clips, and the App Clips WWDC20 sessions.

The goal of App Clips is to provide customers quick, easy, and free entry into your app (that they don’t already have installed).