Debugging WidgetKit install error "Failed to get descriptors for extensionBundleID"

I'm trying to create an iOS 14 WidgetKit widget. It's compiling, but when I try to run it, on either simulator or device, I get the error below:

Any suggestions on how to debug this?


SendProcessControlEvent:toPid: encountered an error: Error Code=8
"Failed to show Widget ''
error: Error Domain=SBAvocadoDebuggingControllerErrorDomain Code=1
"Failed to get descriptors for extensionBundleID ("
UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Failed to get descriptors for extensionBundleID (}."
UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Failed to show Widget ''
error: Error Domain=SBAvocadoDebuggingControllerErrorDomain Code=1 "Failed to get descriptors for extensionBundleID ("
UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Failed to get descriptors for extensionBundleID (}.,
NSUnderlyingError=0x7fc0b0d12540 {Error Domain=SBAvocadoDebuggingControllerErrorDomain
Code=1 "Failed to get descriptors for extensionBundleID ("
UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Failed to get descriptors for extensionBundleID (}}}
Domain: DTXMessage
Code: 1
  • -

System Information

macOS Version 10.15.5 (Build 19F101)
Xcode 12.0 (17177)
I am on Xcode beta 5 with new build system and am still getting the same error, any other suggestions?
This is still happening for me, none of the provided solutions have been able to resolve it either.

Simulator iPhone 8
macOS Version 10.15.6 (Build 19G2021)
Xcode 12.0 (17210.1)
So I think I figured out a potential solution ...originally with beta 1 when my project was created, the scheme included the Intent configuration target in the scheme build step....when I removed this, it seems to have stopped spitting out this error. I'm not sure if the configuration target needs to be included for this to work, but so far it doesn't seem so.
Got the same error and had no idea to solve it.
I noticed since I mixed OC with Swift to build the widget, this problem arose. Is this the reason why this error occurred?
I have downloaded xCode 12 GM and iOS 14 GM for my device. So the problem is that widget doesn't appear on a real device in the list you get after clicking "+" button on a home screen, meaning that it is impossible to add it. But at the same time it appears in the same list and works as intended in the simulator !. I did play around with scheme, target settings and also tried to use other tips mentioned in this thread, but no luck....Other thing to note is that widget stopped working on a real device starting from iOS14 beta 8. So I really have no idea what I am supposed to do at the moment.
So I was getting this error as well, it went away in beta3 and then came back in the other betas and in the released Xcode. I discovered that it was being caused by a custom framework we use throughout our app that was included in widget extension's Frameworks, Libraries, and embedded content section. We use the framework in all our other extensions with no issue so not really sure what is going wrong with it and the widget extension. The framework also seemed to be causing issues with swiftUI previews too. If anyone else encounters this or has any idea why a framework might do this it would be very helpful! Thanks!
I’m getting this error on Xcode Version 12.2 beta 3 (12B5035g) with iOS 14.2 beta 4. It works partially in the simulator but not on a real device.
I'm using Xcode(Version 12.1 (12A7403)),this issue is still happen in real device,but I can ignore the issue, you can see the widget that you create can add successful.
Not sure what the root cause of this error, but it happened for me when I replaced widget description string with a variable. After it went back to a string without a variable, it disappeared.

Code Block
   public var body: some WidgetConfiguration {
        StaticConfiguration(kind: kind, provider: ListProvider()) { entry in
            MyWidgetEntryView(entry: entry)
        .description("widget description here.") // An error occurred when it was .description(myDescriptionString)

 This is really crazy and no idea why, but the workaround for me was to use a description string without variables....

I have the same issue too, I fixed it by removing inside project.pbxproj.
Code Block
"EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=iphonesimulator*]" = arm64;

If that can help...
I got this error when add Firebase database on my widget. I removed to test and the error was gone.
Maybe is some lib for you guys.
Embed and sign any external libs/frameworks to the extension target. The widget will then run without any error. It worked for me perfectly.
For me it worked when I changed the bundle id of Widget extension. It was a quick work around for me
I have the same issue. Anybody solve it?
I'm having the same problem. The most frustrating thing is that the widget is working fine in the version of our app that is currently available in the App Store. We are prepping the next version (the widget hasn't been touched, only the main app) and now the widget refuses to run. We can't detect anything that would be causing such an issue.
Debugging WidgetKit install error "Failed to get descriptors for extensionBundleID"