As far as I understand, there are 5 nice types of Date style, and 3 of them supports continuously refresh.
If I want my timer a little bit different than the Text.DateStyle defined, what should I do?
For instance, default .timer shows 2:58, but I want a 00:02:58 to make sure it is aligned.
WidgetKit is great, and I really loves it. I'm just trying to add a count down timer on my widget, but I realize it won't stop. As it is said in the documentation:
For dates in the future, the timer style counts down until the current time reaches the specified date and time, and counts up when the date passes. I need timer to count down only. Can I stop the time at 0:00 when time reaches the specified date?
I may use timeline to refresh view, but the timeline won't be able to stop the timer when I set a 3 min count down, since timeline does not support refresh at that high frequency.