Core Data Public Share CloudKit attributes size limit?

Background before the Question:
CloudKit Records have been documented to handle "attribute" (Entity->attribute) types - String, Binary Data, and Transformable and each attribute generates an additional field with a key CD[]ckAsset. If a field's value grows too large to store within a record size limit of 1 MB, Core Data converts the value to an external asset.

This is what is documented for private Record CloudKit Stores.

It appears each Managed Object (Entity) attribute has a limit size of 1 MB with an overflow to an external asset.

What is the physical device size limit for Public Shared CloudKit attributes? Plus, any insight on how to ( any documentation, example projects testing this limit on private or shared, past and present WWDC presentations, or external book references) on attribute limits, transfer times, or how to guarantee a triggered near real-time sync? What are the size limits for close to real time sync across iOS, macOS, tvOS devices?

Main Question: Public Shared CloudKit attribute size limits?
Answered by Frameworks Engineer in 616526022
CloudKit is not a "real time" sync platform. In general you can expect timely delivery of push notifications and scheduling of subsequent operations by the system.

However, sync resolution is necessarily limited by the available bandwidth, storage space, and network quality of a device. There are no guarantees.

It appears each Managed Object (Entity) attribute has a limit size of 1 MB with an overflow to an external asset. 

Yes, CKAsset is limited to approximately ~50GB of data today.
Accepted Answer
CloudKit is not a "real time" sync platform. In general you can expect timely delivery of push notifications and scheduling of subsequent operations by the system.

However, sync resolution is necessarily limited by the available bandwidth, storage space, and network quality of a device. There are no guarantees.

It appears each Managed Object (Entity) attribute has a limit size of 1 MB with an overflow to an external asset. 

Yes, CKAsset is limited to approximately ~50GB of data today.
Core Data Public Share CloudKit attributes size limit?