macOS Big Sur - Multiple Display "Recovery"

I've found something thing macOS Big Sur broke - the "recovery" after changing display sources. Let me explain...

I have one big 4K monitor, connected to both my Mac (USB-C) and my PC (HDMI). I switch between the two sources on the monitor depending on what I'm doing. Each computer also has its own dedicated monitor (built-in for my Macbook, an old external for my PC).

Prior to macOS Big Sur, if I switched to the PC input on the monitor, all the macOS windows would shift over to the built-in laptop display, and then shift back to their correct window once I switched back. They no longer do that.

The application all stay on the laptop screen and the big screen is empty when I switch the source back on the monitor. I then have to move everything back to the big display.

I guess that's better than the PC behavior where even if you switch the source on the display back to the Mac, Windows still thinks its connected and continues to extend the display (the fix for that is to go to display properties and select "only show on display 2") , but thats a whole other gripe.

Has anyone else experienced this as well? Is there a setting I'm missing? Should I file a bug report?
I have the same issue
Exactly the same issue - very fraustrating!
I have the same comportment, now isn't possible use external HDMI and isn't possible use sidecar to iPad.
Same problem.
It is one of the limitation of BigSur so far. Since it is still in Beta, expect some irregularities or bugs. Expect to have a resolution in coming weeks or until it's public release
Same. I regret upgrading.
same here
not sure if it's the same issue, but I have a wavlink dock and everything works other than the HDMI so i need to connect it directly to the MAC and than works.
Same issue. The windows used to appear in my monitor after plugging the Macbook. Now, I have to manually drag them from the Macbook to the monitor.
Same here.

If I unplug an external display and then plug it back in, none of my apps' windows (which were on the external display’s Space) are visible. The external monitor’s Space appears completely empty.

The steps to reproduce the bug are simple and likely affecting a ton of users:
  1. Plug in your external display, and then put some app windows in that Space (like Safari and Terminal, or even Chrome).

  2. Unplug your display.

  3. Plug your display back in. Those windows that you had opened in that Space are no longer visible.

This is a showstopper bug that exists in the latest Big Sur public beta (as of Nov. 3).

I recommend everyone who sees this (and has this bug) to file a report through the Feedback Assistant app.
I have a similar issue also. It's infuriating.
My macbook is connected to an external 4k monitor, which is the main monitor.

If I switch to a full screen app and stay there a while, then go back to the desktop, all open windows will be off screen, in the far right. I have to go to mission control, drag the windows to away from the external monitor and to the macbook desktop, and then move them back again to the main monitor.

I hope they get a fix soon.
I have the same issue. I contacted Apple and no representative could help me.
Same here. And same like Miguel Akira described earlier in this thread.
Is there a fix for this yet?
4 months later??

Really wish i didnt up grade.
Use 2 Benq monitors for editing through a wavlink hub.
working perfect, upgraded to Big Sur.. and now nothing.

Darn it! Ok, just updated to Big Sur and have 2 monitors on my desk. Now it won't find the other. Based on reading the notes above it seemed to mostly be HD TV monitors (which I was using). I changed them to be both regular monitors and it still doesn't see the second monitor.

Anyone find a work around? This is not good for productivity to be able to only work from one monitor...ugh!
Yeah, I'm having the same issue as others who are here in November 2020 (the day after the release). Definitely regretting updating entirely now because trying to teach all from one small monitor (when both me and my students are used to me having two monitors) is ruining my lessons. Is there any fix out there or any possibility of this being fixed before the weekend is over and classes resume on Monday? The is extremely frustrating because one would think this kind of issue would be caught in their "extensive" beta process.
Same here after updating to Big Sur. As soon as I connect the external monitor, all my apps are somewhere off-screen. I have to use Mission Control to drag my apps to the laptop screen to access them again. This is quite a nuisance.
Updated to Big Sur today. I have a 2018 Mac Mini running dual monitors. One monitor is USB-C, the other is HDMI. The HDMI monitor will not work, regardless of every reset over the last couple of hours. I’m regretting updating as I really need both monitors right now...
Same here, can we get a fix for this!
Updated to Big Sur...

Unable to get the HDMI port of my 2018 Mac Mini to work. Tried all the resets and configurations.

My 3 monitor setup:
  1. 4K HDMI

  2. 4K USB C -> DisplayPort

  3. 4K USB C -> DisplayPort

Today, the DisplayPort monitors work fine as they did yesterday on Catalina, but the HDMI port is a no go.

Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi...
Same issue here. What I found is that I can see the window using CTRL Down Arrow for Expose. Then I can drag the window over to my laptop screen and then exit expose and then drag the window back to the external monitor. Not a solution but in case you need a workaround.
Did anyone find a solution for the HDMI issue beside downgrading to Catalina ?

same issue. Extended monitors no longer work..... will think twice before updating so early.

pls pls pls FIX
I have the same issue. If you want a quick fix this is what helped for me. Use a USC-C to HDMI dongle till the fix is out :)
I had the same problem on 2018 Mac mini, and (maybe just luck) changed the HDMI cable and it's working fine. USB-C monitor and HDMI monitor working as expected.
macOS Big Sur - Multiple Display "Recovery"